CareerBolt  cover photo

4.6 คะแนนเฉลี่ย

287 รีวิว

2 คอร์ส

Q&A and Job Portal for every professional.
CareerBolt is a free career Q&A and job portal for every professional. The site provides a platform for local communities, and career-related experts to share their experiences, and advice. Users will have a safe & professional place to ask any questions related to their career interests anonymously and will get answers from experienced knowledgeable users, including professional career coaches. Our goal is for users to have useful know-how, insights, techniques, and tips that will help them make right decisions to achieve their ideal career.

    - Q&A and Job Portal for every professional
    - Platform for local communities, and career-related experts to share their experiences, and advice

4.6 คะแนนเฉลี่ย

287 รีวิว

2 คอร์ส